Taking Our Own Pictures
Since we have had a baby, and I have become a stay at home Mommy, we have had to find creative ways to save money. About a year ago, I saved my money and invested in a good digital camera, lens, and flash because photography has become a hobby of mine. My husband also recieved a version of photoshop for his birthday. When it came time to have our daughter's 6 week pictures taken, I decided to make my own "studio" in our living room and take them myself. I wouldn't be out any money if they didn't turn out good. I ended up being very pleased with the results and we ordered all the pictures we needed for us and our family for $27.oo!! I also spent $4.00 on black fabric for the back ground. I was very proud of my pictures, and incredibly proud of the price! Here are a few of the ones I took!
I am already searching photographer's blogs and wbsites for more picture ideas for her 3 month shots! Don't be afraid to try this yourself. There are lots of ideas out there and great technology to make your pictures look professional and save you money!

Check out Biblical Womanhood here for more frugal ideas.
Those are so cute!
I love photography and may have to copy some of your tips!
These are really beautiful. I have some black fabric, too! I usually use a white sheet for my background.
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