Monday, March 31, 2008

Monday Meanderings

Bible Study: continue studying and developing lessons for retreat

Must do: Finish taxes! Get house "company ready" for Thursday. Make birthday cards for upcoming April birthdays.

Blessing my home: I'm starting my spring cleaning this week, so my goal is to get two rooms (my bathroom and spare bathroom) sparkling and organized!!

Broadway Boutique: I was able to get 15 new cards in this weekend, but I would like to get 10 more in this week. I also need to get some signs up for the card party I will be hosting at the end of April.

I also must finished graduation invitations that I am doing for a lady at work. Her daughter is graduating this year from high school. I need to have them finished by Wednesday.

I have a busy week ahead of me! My husband's birthday is Wednesday and we have friends coming in from Nashville on Tuesday, and college students coming over on Thursday! I will have to make good use of my time to get everything accomplished this week!

Check out more Monday Meanderings here!

Menu Plan Monday

Here is my menu for this week!

Monday: Salmon, broccoli, and brown rice

Tuesday: Out with friends from Nashville

Wednesday: Bertolli frozen meal (these are on sale at Kroger, plus I have a coupon)

Thursday: Grilled Panini sandwhiches and chips (cooking for a group of college students)

Friday: Baked Spaghetti and garlic bread

Saturday: Birthday dinner for Blake

Sunday: Leftovers

Head over to orgjunkie for more menus!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Works For Me Wednesday

What has worked for me recently is flylady. I'm not sure how many of you have stumbled across this fabulous site, but I have to recommend it. I do not do all of what it teaches, but it has taught me that I can do anything for 15 minutes. It is amazing the sense of accomplishment to finish one task in your home. It motivates me to keep going and accomplish more!! So, head on over here and check it out for yourself!
Check out more at Rocks In My Dryer!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Monday Meanderings

Here are my goals for the week!

Bible Study: Continue studying for the retreat in April
Taking care of my home: catch up on laundry and start spring cleaning
Must do: File taxes!!!
Reading: get to page 150 in "Perfect Match"
Broadway Boutique: get 20 new cards in my booth and get the word out for my card class

I have a busy week ahead with birthday parties and visiting friends, so I'm trying to be realistic with my list this week.

Check out here for more Monday Meanderings!

Menu Plan Monday

Here is my menu for the week. I finally got pictures of my chicken crescent rolls, so I will be posting the recipe after this!

Monday: Chicken crescent rolls and veggies
Tuesday: Salmon and veggies
Wednesday: Grab something (a friend will be in from out of town)
Thursday: Pizza (and the NCAA tournament with friends)
Friday: Baked spaghetti and garlic bread
Saturday: Out with family for birthday celebrations
Sunday: Chicken Santa Fe

Head over to orgjunkie for more menus.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

CVS Success!!!

I saved $45.03!!! How great is that!!

It has been a while since I have posted my CVS shopping trip experiences. I have had some success, but had my most successful trip by far yesterday. I am a big fan of dove products, so I was really excited to see ECB's for dove! Plus I had lots of coupons. Here is what I got:

Dove Volumizing Shampoo $4.99
Dove Voluminzing Conditioner $4.99 (B1G1)
Dove Body Wash $3.99
Dove Ultimate Clear Deoderant $3.49
Dove Ultimate Clear Deoderant $3.49
Bic Soleil Razor $5.99
Gilette Mach 3 Disposable Razors $7.99
Oral B Cross Action Toothbrush $3.47 (markdown)

Grand Total $43.80

Coupons I had:

$1 off dove body wash
$3 off dove shampoo
$3 off dove shampoo
$0.75 off dove deoderant
$0.75 off dove deoderant
$3 off mach 3 razors
$3 off $15 CVS coupon
$5 off $15 CVS coupon
$8.99 ECBs
$6.00 ECBs

Total Out of Pocket: $1.33!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ECBs earned: $13.00!!!!!!!!!!!

Not bad!!

Letter of the week!

I mailed my letter for this week today. I'm really excited about this one. It is not hand made, but it has a cute little gift in it. Since I'm saving lots of money these days, I am trying to pass it along to others. A friend of mine just had a baby, so I sent her a note full of diaper coupons! How fun!!

Monday Meanderings

I'm also behind on this post, but here are my goals for this week!

Bible Study: continue reading my one year bible and begin study for April girl's retreat

Must do: menu plan (below), pay house payment, mail one letter

Taking care of my home: clean entire house (it is out of control), catch up on laundry, and work on basement

Reading: my goal is to finish "Plain Truth" (only 70 pages to go)

Broadway Boutique: I have a great idea for selling some cards, my goal is to get several cards finished to get my booth stocked up!

Cruise scrapbook: I got a few layouts done last week, but need pictures. My goal this week is to print pictures for my scrapbook.

Menu Plan Monday

I'm a little behind this week, but here is my menu:

Monday: Grab something

Tuesday: Chicken parmesan

Wednesday: Sandwiches

Thursday: Salmon and veggies

Friday: Baked spaghetti

Saturday: Eating at my Grandparent's for Easter

Sunday: Baked chicken and veggies

The menu is a little plain this week, but we have a lot to do so I need something I can throw together fast!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Monday Meanderings...

Here is my first attempt at Monday Meanderings. I am loving this concept because I am a "list maker" and do not feel complete until I can mark something off!!! I am hoping this will help hold me accountable to accomplish everything I should this week!

Bible Studies: I started a one-year Bible in January, but am ashamed to say that it has fallen by the wayside. My goal this week is to pick it back up and read some every day.

Must do:

Plan menu for this week (see here)

Mail check for "Close to my Heart" merchandise

Mail one letter to a friend (my weekly goal)

Pay electric and water bills

Taking Care of My Home:

Monday: wash 1 load of colors, unpack suitcase from this weekend, clean our bedroom and bathroom

Tuesday: wash dress clothes / delicates, clean living room, and clean out bunny cage

Wednesday: wash 1 load of whites, clean spare bedroom, and clean spare bathroom

Thursday: wash puppy blankets, clean kitchen, clean laundry room, and pack for weekend


I am currently reading "Plain Truth" by Jodi Piccoult. My goal is to read to page 200 by Friday.

Broadway Boutique Booth:

I have a booth at Broadway Boutique Mall where I sell handmade cards. My goal is to make 10 individual cards and 2 sets this week to go in my booth.

Cruise Scrapbook:

I am trying to finish a scrapbook for our cruise we took in October. My goal this week is to complete three layouts.
Check out more Monday Meanderings here.

Menu Plan Monday

Monday: Baked Pork Chops, creamed corn, roasted green beans

Tuesday: Chicken, rotini noodles, and black beans

Wednesday: Hot dogs, potato chips, baked beans

Thursday: Salmon and veggies
Friday: Fend for ourselves
Saturday: Fend for ourselves
Sunday: Soup and Sandwiches

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Letter of the Week!

So, this week I finally made my goal. The letter I am sending out is a handmade card! It is very basic compared to what I have made, but I'm very proud of myself for sitting down and putting it together. I do have a couple other cards going out, but I wanted to share this one!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Menu Plan Monday

Monday: Homemade Pizza (my husband made an awesome homemade whole wheat crust)
Tuesday: Chicken Crescent Rolls (recipe coming soon)
Wednesday: General Tsao's Chicken (I get this from Sam's, it is probably terrible for us, but it is delicious!), rice, and broccoli
Thursday: Baked chicken and veggies
Friday: Pork chops (we will be in Gatlinburg with our family)
Saturday: Fajitas (still in Gatliburg)
Sunday: Chicken Parmesan (I use an awesome marinade for my chicken, and bake it instead of breading and frying it. If you can find Annie's Naturals Roasted Garlic and Balsamic, it is well worth it! Check it out here.)

Check out for more menus!!