Friday, January 25, 2008

The Next 25

Here are the next 25 things I'm thankful for...

26. Flowers from my Daddy on Valentine's Day (love it and will never get tired of being Daddy's little girl)
27. A day with nothing to do (rarely happens, but I try to grab hold of them every chance I get)
28. 2 pillows on my bed (bad neck pains with just one)
29. New curtains in our bedroom (now it stays dark even when it is light outside!)
30. Chocolate!! (This probably should have been higher on the list)
31. Mother's Day Luncheon 2007 (this was a great time with my Mom, grandmothers, aunts, and cousin last year)
32. Rubber stamps (Have I mentioned I love to make cards!)
33. My Camera (Canon Digital Rebel XTI - greatest ever!)
34. The softest Bunny Rabbit ever (yes, I have a pet bunny)
35. Flylady (helped me realize that I can do anything for 15 minutes - even clean!)
36. Sunrises (and being able to be up to see them almost every day thanks to my little puppy and his small bladder)
37. Poets (small local coffee shop)
38. Being able to give to others
39. Christmas traditions
40. Seeing the world from 37,000 feet (most incredible thing I've ever seen)
41. 34 mile bike ride with my husband
42. Fall (everything about it, it is my favorite time of year)
43. The feeling I get when I hear a song from my past
44. Basketball
45. Wal-mart (for those of you who know me, I'm addicted)
46. The first sign of buttercups
47. Decaf coffee (so I can still drink it!)
48. UCSC
49. Teenside
50. Lylewood Christian Camp (so many wonderful memories)