Friday, August 1, 2008

Frugal Friday

I wrote last week about trying out several ideas to save money to be able to not work full time after we have our first child in December. One of the things I have been really focusing on this week is food. One way I am using to save on food is to be organized. I have come across a website called organized home. One of the things this website focuses on is having a household notebook to keep your home organized. I have been working on my notebook this week and have been making some progress. The first section I worked on was the meals and menu section. I have already planned my menu for next week and am working on my menu for the month of August so that I can plan ahead with food in the freezer and using coupons. There are lots of free printable forms on this website to help you start your own notebook and have an organized home. Check them out here.

For more frugal ideas, head over to Biblical Womanhood!


agapesmansion said...

Thanks for sharing :)

Audra Krell said...

Printable forms would be great, thanks for passing along this great tip. I hope you have wonderful success with it!