Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Works For Me Wednesday

I began clipping coupons at the beginning of this year, and bit off way more than I could chew. I decided that in order to get the best deals at the grocery stores and CVS that I needed to clip every coupon. Well, between doing that and searching the weekly ads for deals, it would take up 3 – 4 hours of my Sunday afternoons. Since I work full time outside the home, my days off are very precious to me. Needless to say, I suffered burnout very soon into this process and gave up. Not to mention, I found out I was pregnant and began suffering severe morning sickness all day! But now I have devised a system that works for me. I have put together a notebook with month dividers and sheet protectors. I clip the coupons that I will use immediately, then slip the insert into a sheet protector behind the corresponding month. This also helps when I browsing money saving blogs like Most of these blogs tell you which insert the coupon you need was in. Now I do not have to dig through a big pile of coupons, I can just flip to the week I need, pull out the insert, and clip the coupon!! My coupon notebook works for me! What works for you? Head on over to Rocks In My Dryer to see other great ideas!