Monday, March 10, 2008

Monday Meanderings...

Here is my first attempt at Monday Meanderings. I am loving this concept because I am a "list maker" and do not feel complete until I can mark something off!!! I am hoping this will help hold me accountable to accomplish everything I should this week!

Bible Studies: I started a one-year Bible in January, but am ashamed to say that it has fallen by the wayside. My goal this week is to pick it back up and read some every day.

Must do:

Plan menu for this week (see here)

Mail check for "Close to my Heart" merchandise

Mail one letter to a friend (my weekly goal)

Pay electric and water bills

Taking Care of My Home:

Monday: wash 1 load of colors, unpack suitcase from this weekend, clean our bedroom and bathroom

Tuesday: wash dress clothes / delicates, clean living room, and clean out bunny cage

Wednesday: wash 1 load of whites, clean spare bedroom, and clean spare bathroom

Thursday: wash puppy blankets, clean kitchen, clean laundry room, and pack for weekend


I am currently reading "Plain Truth" by Jodi Piccoult. My goal is to read to page 200 by Friday.

Broadway Boutique Booth:

I have a booth at Broadway Boutique Mall where I sell handmade cards. My goal is to make 10 individual cards and 2 sets this week to go in my booth.

Cruise Scrapbook:

I am trying to finish a scrapbook for our cruise we took in October. My goal this week is to complete three layouts.
Check out more Monday Meanderings here.


Anonymous said...

Looks like you have a busy week ahead. Hope you have a wonderful week!

Renee said...

Welcome to MM! Looks like your week is busy but fun. Have a great week!


Vickie said...

Looks like you have a very busy week in store! I also love lists! I learned this art from watching my Mom as a young child. She would always make lists in the car when we were on vacation or while she was on the phone. In fact, every time we go on a vacation she gives my children the small ten cent notepads so they can make their own lists while we travel. It is a great family tradition!