What has worked for me recently is flylady. I'm not sure how many of you have stumbled across this fabulous site, but I have to recommend it. I do not do all of what it teaches, but it has taught me that I can do anything for 15 minutes. It is amazing the sense of accomplishment to finish one task in your home. It motivates me to keep going and accomplish more!! So, head on over here and check it out for yourself!
Check out more at Rocks In My Dryer!
I love her site and admire all she does but i just can't get on board with all of it...since I have a 2 year old in tow with me all day long!
But I love a lot of her principles and work them into my daily routine...I love setting the timer and trying to accomplish as much as I can! And ya can't beat the fling-boogie!
Great blog!
I'm right there with ya! I don't follow FlyLady's routines to a T but she has helped me in so many ways, especially with the "I can do anything for 15 minutes" mantra. I always recommend her site to anyone who feels "housework challenged." :-D
I love FlyLady. I don't follow as much of her program as I want to yet, but it has helped he a lot in getting some control over my house.
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