Monday, February 11, 2008

Menu Plan Monday

This weeks menu will be a little out of the ordinary. We have a lot going on this week (plus Valentine's Day), but I'm planning it out anyway!

Monday: Roasted Teriaki Salmon, Roasted Potatoes, and Green Beans (Thanks to something I watched on Food Network this weekend)

Tuesday: Bake spaghetti and ziti, salad, garlic bread, and various cookies (we are having about 20 teens from our church over for dinner and Bible study)

Wednesday: Soup and Sandwiches

Thursday: Dinner at Mauricios (a great little Italian restaraunt in our town, we go there on special occasions)

Friday: Dinner on the road (we will be on our way to Gatilinburg for Winterfest with our youth group)

Saturday: Dinner out in Gatlinburg

Sunday: Baked chicken and veggies

I can't wait to try the Salmon. I can get a good deal on frozen filets at Wal-mart ($3.98 for 4 which makes two meals for my husband and me)! Hopefully next week, we will not be so busy! Head over to for some more menu ideas!


Anonymous said...

Looks great!!

Vickie said...

This looks yummy!