Thursday, February 7, 2008

My first attempt at saving money.

I've been reading a lot of information on saving money through CVS, so I thought I would start small and give it a try. I found one thing in the sale paper that I needed that would have been free after the ECB's. So, I lunch today, off I go to begin my wonderful journey of saving money and being a smart shopper! I was so proud of myself for researching this all out and making an informed decsion on saving our hard earned money. Well, apparently everyone else in this town has the exact same idea because the one product I went in to buy was completely gone! Does everyone know about the CVS deals? Am I the last one to catch on, so I'm out of luck?? I'm assuming that people buy more than the one thing they need and stock up on like a one year supply so that those of us who want to buy one thing haven't got a chance. Well, I'm not going to give up yet! I'll be there the first day the sale flyer comes out next week!! The one good thing I am learning is to look for coupons, and I did manage to get my foundation (that I was out of) this morning for 40% off!! I never looked for things to be on sale before. I've always been a Wal-mart girl, but I'm slowly learning that I can get some better deals if I search it out!!


Vickie said...

Don't give up! I feel the same way at times. I am new to this as well and at first got very frustrated. Try and have things planned by Saturday evening. See if you can go on Sunday to CVS. Even when I tried this last week several things were already gone.

Also try going to a different CVS and not the one most convenient to you. I have a couple more that are about five miles from my home. I have tried shopping there and have had some success.

Keep it up and you too will be having success soon!